Smudging Practice - The 6 Fundamental Steps - Sacred

Smudging Practice - The 6 Fundamental Steps

The Smudging Practice

Smudging is an ancient practice rooted in indigenous traditions worldwide. Used for centuries, it involves burning sacred herbs, resins, or woods to cleanse and purify spaces, people, and objects. This ritual connects us with Nature and the Spiritual Realm, allowing us to harness the energies of the Earth for releasing and protection.

The 6 Fundamental Steps

I am going to elaborate on the 6 fundamental steps when it comes to the smudging practice.

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Take a few minutes to tune in and set out the intention of your smudging practice. Why I am smudging? What am I anchoring with this practice into the Quantum Field? Is it to release or charge my Space?
Release: What Energies I chose to remove and transmute from my Space?
Charge: What Energies I chose to charge and amplify in my Space?

I love to light up a candle and infuse the candle with my intention, so when it comes to lighting up the smudge my intention is transferred from the candle to the smudge. 
I keep it lit, in case I have to restart the smudge, the intention is already set!

Step 2: Open Your Windows

This is to allow for the stuck energies to have a way to go out of your space!

Step 3: Smudge yourself first and smudge anyone present in the space

We are protected. During our smudging ritual, by smudging ourselves first, we are harnessing our protection even more before cleansing the space. Here is why!

Step 4: Smudge your space

You begin to cleanse your space. Make sure that the smoke is reaching every corner of your home.

Step 5: Wash your hands

Once finished, you can leave your smudge to smolder in a fireproof recipient. And you wash your hands so you can remove any energetical debris that you might have picked during the smudging ritual!

Step 6: Show gratitude to Mother Earth

She provides us with magical and beneficial herbs, She allows us to use the Power of her herbs so we can cleanse, purify, charge, and protect our space!

Enhancing Your Smudging Practice

To dig deeper into the smudging practice you can check:
Digging deeper into the smudging practice

Don't know what to smudge with?
Explore the different tools used for this spiritual practice: The Different Smudging Tools

You intend to know what to say while smudging?
You can read: What do I say while Smudging?

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