Sacred Story
From my Sacred Smoke and Fire to our Sacred
Those who have known me since 2017, still remember that Sacred is the rebranding of my initial passion-based business. Sacred was called: "Sacred Smoke and Fire". Follow me as I am explaining Sacred Journey!
A Single Seed

Each one of you made me take a step further to where we are today as Sacred!
As I always mention and always do, I began as a SINGLE seed!!!
A little throwback to 2017, I created Sacred Smoke and Fire page. I only intended to create and sell smudging sticks. I used to just sell smudging sticks at first, and then wall art decoration.
However, my fingers were not assisted during the process. I became a self-taught macrame artist and much more... and now I am building and expanding with my trusted team our expanding business!!!
I have manifested many breakthroughs through my fingers, my words, my thoughts, my willpower to reshape my current Reality, and foremost throughout the acceptance and trust that I have learned to tap into!
What you are seeing today is the by-product of my inner journey!
And trust me... it is worth it!!!
Then we became Seeds

I am blessed and honored to have perceived into my Reality the precious help of what I define as The Backbones of Sacred, introducing us:
Pamela, our multi-talented social media coordinator and photographer, created the very first smudging campaign back in 2017. Thanks to her, I received invaluable training and insights about photography, social media management, and content creation.
Johnny, our web designer and Godfather of Sacred, the one who, like a brain worm, tried to convince me in every possible way to change the name of my business! And he succeeded obviously!
Jessy, our orgonite creator, our scientific leader, and most importantly my Partner in Life by Choice! Uplifting and loving, the ' Rita, you sound so serious, stop using full stops in your stories!" One. She is the one and only who is mastering the art of creating one-of-a-kind Orgonite Pyramids and our Ozonated Olive Oils.
We grew into plants
I never had a plan! But I was guided along the way.
Baby steps, my team appeared and offered their precious help, assistance, creativity, and knowledge.
I am forever grateful for their trust in my Vision. Day after day, breakthrough after breakthrough, Sacred started having a structure. I have been handed a golden thread, and I am creating ways to weave!
The first visual breakthrough was when we built our website. And guess what was the next one? Changing Sacred Smoke and Fire to Sacred. It was a little challenging for me to accept and to inner-stand this change.
Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly!
From my Sacred Smoke and Fire to our Sacred. There is much acceptance to delegate and rely on 'external' help on my behalf, from I to We.
So thrilling and so empowering. A very treasured lesson for me to expand even more.
To Become A Growing Forest
We are now at the stage where the plants are turning into a wild forest. The amazing guidance led us to deepen and expand our roots by introducing and creating on a larger scale Orgonite Pyramids and Orgonite Jewelry! And this is a turning point!
Sacred was rebranded to adjust to our expanding roots.
She is divided into several sections, and each section has its own logo that goes hand in hand with the original one.
You can check them: The Meaning Of Our Symbols
' Create your own Reality.' And I confirm that I am creating my own Reality!
' Be realistic! Plan for a miracle! ' - Osho.
It all began in taking one single decision, one single thought, one single mantra:' Create your own Reality.' Sacred's logo is the Viking rune of this amazing mantra!