White Sage and Common Sage June 19, 2024The Top 1 question: what is the difference between white sage and common sage! Let us explore their differences!
What Do I Do With The Ashes? March 30, 2024Discover 4 conscious ways to honor the ashes after your smudging ritual!
Can I Smudge My Pets? March 30, 2024Is smudging our pets safe and beneficial? Learn how to observe their reactions, ensure safety, and respect their boundaries during the smudging process.
How Do I Extinguish A Burning Smudging Stick? March 15, 2024Discover 3 effective ways to extinguish a burning smudging stick. Choose the one that resonates with you and explore our range of smudging products to enhance your sacred space.
Affirmations And Smudges February 28, 2024Did you know that with each smudge, you get your own Cosmic Message! Embrace the power of this smudging practice combined with the power of affirmations and Oneness!
What Do I Say While Smudging? February 22, 2024What to say during the smudging practice? Explore the diverse array of prayers, affirmations, and mantras used during smudging rituals!