Each smudge has its own Affirmation
From the very beginning of my expanding business, Sacred, I have always included affirmations with the smudges. All the affirmations were created like the following: "You are sacred," "You are divine," "You are safe."

This picture gave me chills when a very loyal customer shared it with me. She even kept the very old label that I used to send with each smudge!! Thank you D.Diab!
I always thought that when you receive the affirmation, you would be reading it as a message for you. But then I asked, why not write it in the "I" form? This means when you read it, your subconscious mind innerstands it as its own affirmation.
However, I kept on writing in the "You" form.
The smudging practice effect amplified!
Why do I write down an affirmation with each smudge?
Because I create as I write, because I know the importance of the Power of Words, because I know how it feels like reading a message that is meant to be read!
I rely on my intuition. I write the affirmations right before packing your orders and I simply know that this message/affirmation is for you! And yes, I have a deep belief that the person getting the smudge is meant to read this very specific affirmation!
From "You" to "We" - The turning point in the affirmations
Until one day, I was preparing a big smudge order assisted by my sister, and she was the one writing down the affirmations. She said, "Why not, since we are One, since we are shifting, since we are the shift, and since we are the ascension... why not crafting those affirmations in the 'we' form?"

Trust me, it was an "Aha" moment for me and a turning point in crafting our cosmic messages for the smudges. From now on, the cosmic messages are crafted in the "We" form - The Oneness form.

From now on:
We are guided, We are assisted, We are sacred, and We are divine!
What a beautiful evolution!
Learn the essential steps about smudging rituals in our comprehensive guides: