The Advancements of Orgonite - Part 3 - Sacred

The Advancements of Orgonite - Part 3

In 1986, scientists at the University of Marburg, Germany published the results of a blind study which showed that 30-minute orgone accumulator treatments caused consistent, positive psycho-physiological effects not seen with the all-fiberglass box used for control, stating "the results received in our investigation furnish evidence for the assumption that the physical properties of the orgone accumulator and its psychophysiological efficacy on human organisms, postulated by Reich and his associates, factually exist.

Recognition of Universal Energy Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev

Reich's work was continued in earnest in the 1960s by more open-minded Russian scientists such as Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983), who also scientifically proved that such unseen energies indeed exist all around us, and whose Reich-inspired work led to the unfortunate development of practical Soviet military defense applications which utilized principles of so-called "torsion fields" (e.g., etheric energy). Kozyrev's work, which indeed confirms both Reich's research and our empirical experiences with orgonite, was classified until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Following in their footsteps, thousands of Ph.D.-level researchers from both sides of the Iron Curtain spanning multiple generations have continued Kozyrev and Reich's pioneering work, slowly forcing mainstream Western science to finally, "officially recognize" the concept of a universal, unseen energy medium they call "dark matter," "vacuum flux" or "zero-point energy," depending on who you ask. These are all essentially describing the same thing, which Reich called "orgone".

Introduction of Orgone Generators by Karl Hanz

Karl Hans Welz, an Austrian inventor, introduced Orgone generators to the public in 1991 under the brand Orgone Generator®.

Orgonite generators as we know them today were first made by Karl Hans Welz. In 1991, he improved Reich’s orgone accumulator by creating a device made of metal particles cast in resin. Unlike the ORAC which accumulated both positive orgone (POR) and deadly orgone (DOR), Welz’ “orgone generator” turned DOR into POR.

These electronic devices are designed to generate and manipulate orgone energy efficiently, based on Reich's principles.

Innovations of Orgonite by Don and Carol Crofts 

Don and Carol Crofts expanded on Reich and Welz's ideas, developing tactical orgonite devices like tower busters. Their orgonite, made from resin, metals, and crystals, was highly effective in balancing energy flow over large areas.

 Within a year of this development, Don began publishing reports of his and his wife's experiences in, among other things, the tactical deployment of small pieces of orgonite near any sources of DOR, or life-negative energy, such as cellphone towers, nuclear power plants, underground bases, and natural Earth energy gridlines and vortices. Don included in his reports the specific life-positive, cleansing, healing, confirming effects they would notice following such "gifting" activities, causing Don to strongly encourage his readers to replicate his efforts in their own communities.


The catalyst in Orgonite Generators: the Crystal addition

Since crystals are known for their ability to efficiently collect, transmute, and emit etheric energy, adding them to the orgonite mixture was one of the most powerful turning point in refining the overall discoveries of the Orgonite. 

This addition to the resin/metal matrix creates a substance that functions as a self-driven, continuously operating, highly efficient DORPOR (negative to positive) energy transmutation factory.

When orgonite is within range of a source of DOR/negative energy, it will efficiently and continuously transform it into POR/positive energy as it is being transmitted, which essentially creates positive energy transmitters out of any and all emitters of harmful negative energy, which are totally defenseless against the effect.

The resin in orgonite shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the quartz crystal inside which creates a well-known piezoelectric effect inside the crystal, meaning its end-points become polarized electrically. This is also what causes the orgonite to function so effectively as a positive energy generator.

Thus orgonite represents a very significant improvement over Reich's early work with orgone accumulators since Reich's "Oracs" attract deadly orgone energy as well as positive and do nothing to transmute it into a purely beneficial form, which orgonite does inherently and continuously.

Varieties of Orgone Devices

Orgonite encompasses a variety of devices, including cloud busters for weather modification and active orgone energy generators using Mobius coils. These devices, such as the Succor Punch (SP), are utilized in healing, protection, and meditation, contributing to the global expansion of orgonite usage.


Further Readings

You can read:

Here is a guide for you: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Most Effective Orgonite based on the 4 main criteria.

If you have more questions you can check: Orgonite FAQ

1 comment

Super interesting!! Love it 😍 thank you for all this amazing content (btw I have 3 orgonites at home including one in the fridge)

Jessy Bou Malhab

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