Orgone Discovery
Long ago, Dr. Reich identified a type of energy that he called ‘orgone' and discovered it could be accumulated using layers of metal and organic material. He used things like wood and cotton for his organic materials and iron sheets and other metals as metallic components. Dr. Reich experimented with several substances but overall found that organic materials attract and hold orgone energy, while non-organic metals simultaneously attract and repel the energy.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich described orgone as a primordial cosmic energy that is omnipresent and responsible for phenomena such as the weather, the color of the sky, gravity, galaxy formations, and emotion and sexuality.
Orgone Accumulator
Dr. Reich is the creator of the orgone accumulator. This device was designed to collect and store orgone energy. It consists of alternating layers of organic materials and metal sheets. The organic materials attract and hold orgone energy, while the metal layers attract and repel the energy, creating a concentrated orgone field inside the accumulator.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich - Orgone is a primordial cosmic energy that is omnipresent and responsible for phenomena such as the weather, the color of the sky, gravity, galaxy formations, and emotion and sexuality.
Orgone Generator
In 1991 Karl invented and built for the first time in human history, a device that actually generates Life Energy, Life Force, Prana, Orgone or Chi Energy; the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which can effectively re-transform DOR (deadly orgone - as Wilhelm Reich named it) back into living and pulsing orgone or chi energy.
Due to the constant attraction and repelling energy of the elements trapped in the resin, a scrubbing action takes place. Combined with the charge the crystal gives off, it cleanses stagnant energy and transmutes it to a healthy vibration.
He developed and put the basis of his "Structural Links / Structural Linkage" theory, using the Hyperspace Mathematics & Physics, in which he explains and demonstrated the transfer of Life-Energy, Life-Force, Prana, Orgone, or Chi Energy at any distance, without -significant- loss of Life-Energy & Life-Force.
Advancements and Innovations in Orgonite
In 1992, he discovered and invented a new orgone accumulating material mixture -significantly more effective and more powerful in Life Energy, Life Force, Orgone and Chi Energy accumulation than any other /previous- materials, which he called orgonite®
Life Energy & Life Force In 1997 Karl succeeded in sending signals across the Atlantic machine to machine, using Life Energy and Life Force - Orgone or Chi-energy - and not electromagnetic frequencies. True to the theories that he established earlier, amplifiers were not needed
Life Energy & Life Force In 2002 he invented a water optimizer. This device not only puts water back into its original state by removing the noxious -negative- information and enlivening it again, it also powers it up with life force (prana, orgone, or chi energy.)
You can read more in these parts of our blog series:
1 comment
Hi Rita, Like you I have been experimenting with Oregon energy for years. My latest endeavor was the construction of a 20 by 20 foot pyramid a 1/38 scale of the great pyramid of Giza. Being 400sf. Inside it not only generates a healing quality but also produces a very strange anomaly which defies the rotation of the Earth.