Showing Up For My People
As a business owner, whenever a challenging event unfolds in our collective reality, I ask myself: Should I keep posting or not? I always take a few days to acknowledge what’s happening and reflect on what I can do with what is unfolding.
What I promote and offer aligns with what I embody in my personal life. On one hand, I make a living out of it. On the other, it feels awkward to keep posting as if nothing is happening.
There is no magical one-size-fits-all solution. But... Just for today, like any other day, I choose to show up. I choose to be the Light and Love. I choose to stand for Freedom and Sovereignty. Today, I post, fully aware of what is happening, and I show up as the Light through it all.
Perceiving Peace and Justice
First things first. What is unfolding in our collective reality is the scenario that we do not prefer. And since everything is here and now, the reality where peace is reigning is already here and now. We just have to perceive this reality... as a collective. On the other hand, since we are remembering and tapping even more into light, and that we are in the "storm," what is unfolding has to be felt and transmuted.
So, applying Bashar’s teachings, let us remember: We are the Eye of the Storm.
I’ve decided to envision, feel, and perceive peace and justice in my Heart and Mind. From now on, I choose to see an Earth where peace and justice reign. To empower this dream even more, I invite you to join me in My/Our Dream.
How can you assist me in My Dream?
Here’s what I ask of you, and it’s quite simple: After reading or saving this post, take a moment to be present. Close your eyes, bring awareness to your body, and breathe deeply, allowing yourself to just be.
Now, focus on your heart. Remember, we are the Universe dressed in skin. As you do this, know that I have already created a quantum ball of energy, activating this timeline of Peace and Justice. Imagine you are adding your own Light to this field, and see others around the world doing the same—adding their light to this shared vision.
Stay with this feeling for a moment. Breathe in Peace, Freedom, Sovereignty, and Justice. When you’re ready, carry this energy back into your reality and open your eyes.
I am deeply thankful. 🤍

You can check our Meditation: Lebanon Sept 2024 - Meditation