Lebanon Sept 2024 - First Cycle Meditation - Sacred

Lebanon Sept 2024 - First Cycle Meditation

What a challenging situation

We are facing and dealing with one of the most challenging situation in our Beloved Country Lebanon...

Am I feeling fear? Yes, sometimes.
Am I feeling anxiety? Denial? Sadness? Grief? Anger? Yes, sometimes.
Yes.. all of these yes. I am surfing waves of mixed emotions between the lowest emotions in the spectrum and the highest ones at the same time. 

So for me, to be able to cope personally with all what is unfolding, and to be able to be actively assisting our People and Our Land, I have co-created a whatsapp group with the Powerful Goddess of the Sound to join our forces as Transmuting Energies Practitioner including: Reiki Practitioners, Medecine People, Light Workers, and actively spiritual beings to send transformative and transmuting energies to the situation, our Land, and our People.

For those seeking to receive

Every night, at 8pm, for those seeking peace, support, energetical boost, you can tune in for 10-15 mins stating: I am open to receive those empowering transmuting energies for the highest good of all.

For those seeking to send and be active

Thank you for joining our Collective Dream of Peace, Sovereignty, and Heaven on Earth.

During those transformative times (always using the power of words in our favor) , we are the Change, the Shift and the Ascension.
We are the Miracles we are praying for.
We are the Peace we are looking for.
And it is our responsibility to shift the script and to transmute all the unpleasant energies and darkness into Light and Love.

Plan of Action

For everyone who joined. We are investing our time, energy, awareness and Pure Hearts for 15 mins at 8 pm tonight, and every night.
And we schedule this powerful quantum beam of love to auto-activate itself everyday at 8pm, all over Lebanon, reaching all the Hearts that accept this Love Energy.

What to do

We take a moment of Peace, wherever suits you and we tune in into our Hearts.

We activate from our Hearts the beautiful bond we have with our Mama Earth. From our Hearts to Hers. She loves us just like any mother loves her Children. We bath into this Ocean of Love.
And then we activate the beautiful empowering bond we have with our Father Sky/Father Sun/Father Universe. He loves us just like any Father loves his Children. And we remember that our Cosmic Parents love each other.
We have now activated the Sacred Trinity- the Sacred Triangle.

In this Sacred Triangle:
We just focus on all the beautiful pictures of our beloved country. Every time a picture that does not vibrate with our Dream, we observe it and we let it go.

We are here to shift the script.
We swap visions of horror with visions of Love and Peace.
We swap the sounds of screaming with the sound of waves and singing birds.
We swap the smell of explosives with the smell of sage, pine and flowers.

We imagine and feel all the Love our hearts are capable of. And we imagine that everyone of us is doing the same.
We merge all the Hearts together, all the Sacred Triangles into ONE, imagining us holding hands circling our beloved country.
We ask for the assistance of the Light beings, the ones you vibrate with. Be it Angels, Archangels, Spirit Animals, Spirit Guides, Dragons, Fairies or simply our Higher Selves.

We imagine circling our beloved country with a beautiful and powerful wall of Light and Protection and we imagine all those Hearts in Lebanon beating as one even for a split second, one beat, one breathe of pure peace.
We imagine, regardless of all the darkness, in the Here and Now, that everyone seeking safety is finding it, everyone seeking a roof is finding it, everyone seeking peace is finding it, everyone seeking comfort is finding it....
Through us here and now.

Fill your Hearts with Grace, Forgiveness and Knowing... we are transmuting every single destructive pattern and fear.
Open your eyes with this beautiful feeling of Divine Love.

Important Notice

  • For those attuned to Reiki or other Energy Transmutation Modalities, do as you are taught to do. Using your own symbols, your own visualisations, and technics.
  • Kindly remember to shield yourself and protect yourself
  • Please ask that any release is done with ease, joy, and glory, for the highest goods of everyone.

Deeply from my heart.
For our Lebanon and for our people.
Thank you
In lak'ech
From our Heart to our Heart


You can read the second cycle:  Lebanon Oct 2024 - Second Cycle Meditation

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