Smudging with Common Sage
Sage is one of the most common smudges used here in our country! It is by far the more popular! And what a beautiful synchronicity that Sage grows in our wildlife, and Lebanese people have used this plant for its medicinal properties since the beginning of time! Of course, they never thought of burning it as a smudge until recently when the Spirituality Age began to make its roots in our country!Our Sage Smudge at Sacred are foraged from the wild valleys of Lebanon, 'Salvia Officinalis' (the Common Sage) holds the similar powerful effects of the "White Sage" for cleansing rituals.
It's crucial to note that White Sage, commonly used for smudging, is not native to Lebanon. More to know here: White Sage and Common Sage
The Herb: Common sage ('Salvia Officinalis').
Harvest Time: During spring and autumn.
Metaphysical Associations: Masculine, sage is linked to the element of air and the planet Jupiter. Sacred to Greek Zeus and Roman Jupiter.
- Smudging Practice Benefits: used for its very powerful cleansing properties.
Historical Context
Sage has a rich historical background in spiritual practices across various cultures. Its use dates back centuries and holds significance in rituals aimed at purification and spiritual cleansing.
Practical Tips
When performing a smudging ritual with common sage, it's essential to first set your intention for the cleansing process. Start by lighting the sage bundle and waft the smoke around the area or item you want to cleanse. You can check the 6 fundamental steps for the smudging practice for more details.
Personal Experiences
Many individuals report feeling a sense of calm and rebirth after smudging with common sage. Some share stories of profound spiritual experiences or insights gained during the ritual, highlighting the transformative power of sage cleansing.
Variations and Alternatives
While common sage is widely used for cleansing, there are other herbs and plants that can also be incorporated into cleansing rituals.
Consider exploring alternative options such as juniper, palo santo, or rosemary to customize your smudging practice based on your specific intentions and preferences.
"The smoke from smudging carries our gratitude to the Creator." - Lakota proverb.
Metaphysical Properties
Sage, deeply rooted in metaphysical heritage, is a very important tool for spiritual cleansing and mental clarity. The smoke from Salvia Officinalis purifies energies and creates a calm state of mind, enhancing focus and spiritual connection. Smudging with Sage is a powerful choice for the smudging practice.
Symbolism and Sacred Associations
Sage, symbolizing masculinity and linked with the element of air and Jupiter's celestial influence, holds deep connections with Greek Zeus and Roman Jupiter. Sage vibrates with wisdom, cleansing, and protection with added symbolism tied to the Virgin Mary. Such profound associations make Sage a respectful and meaningful choice for sacred rituals.
This plant is used in our Sage Smudge, where it is used alone I incorporated it with other herbs to create the different mixes we have: The Mix Smudges - The Guide. Additionally, I combined it in our Sacred Smoke herbs used for smudging and safe to be smoked!