Why do our Orgonite Pyramids have 8 sides? - Sacred

Why do our Orgonite Pyramids have 8 sides?

Ancient Knowledge

Every ancient pyramid was 8-sided, this suggests that they were intentionally constructed in this manner. However, this design choice remains a mystery to modern architects and pyramid builders.

                      great pyramid of Cheops

The Great Pyramid of Cheops

Pyramids with fewer than 8 sides do not possess a properly functioning toroidal field.

The ancient civilizations understood that pyramids constructed with only 4 sides emitted a specific type of harmful radiation called Vertical Negative Green Energy (V-G) due to the incomplete torus.

The durability of 8-sided pyramids is demonstrated by the great pyramids of Giza, which have withstood the test of time without being destroyed. These pyramids serve as our inspiration. This is where we got our Inspiration! You can read more: Our Inspiration and Craftsmanship

The Benefits of 8-Sided Pyramids

An 8-sided pyramid, particularly a pyramid with its sides aligned to the cardinal points (north, south, east, west), is healthier or more energetically beneficial stems from various spiritual and esoteric beliefs:

1- Balanced Energy Flow

It facilitates a smoother and more balanced flow of energy. This purportedly creates a balanced and beneficial environment for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being;

2- Enhanced Resonance

The eight-sided pyramid resonates with the vibrations that are conducive to health and vitality. This resonance interacts positively with the energy fields of living beings!

3- Alignment with Natural Forces

 Aligning the sides of the pyramid with the cardinal points allows us to tap into the Earth's natural energy lines or ley lines. This alignment amplifies the orgonite pyramid's energetic effects, creating a space that is attuned to the rhythms of Mother Earth and conducive to health and vitality.

    Our 8-sided Orgonite Pyramids

    Our Sacred Orgonite Pyramids are meticulously crafted using custom-made silicone molds, which allow for a subtle inclination -that is proportional to the inclination of the Great Pyramid of Giza- on each of the 4 sides, resulting in the formation of 8 sides.

    Here is a detailed guide on how to pick the perfect orgonite pyramid: The 4 Criteria for Choosing an Effective Orgonite

    To know more about the EMFs:  What are EMFs - The Guide

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