Beeswax - "Nectar of the Gods"
Beeswax candles have been used in spiritual rituals since ancient times. Their pure, clean burn symbolizes purity and divinity.
The ancient Egyptians believed that beeswax candles were a symbol of the Sun and used them in their religious ceremonies. The ancient Greeks also used beeswax candles in their rituals, and they were believed to be a symbol of the goddess Artemis. In Christianity, beeswax candles have been used in religious ceremonies for centuries, and they are believed to symbolize the light of God and the purity of the Soul.
In this blog, we are going to discover together the scientific properties and the metaphysical properties of beeswax, as our Ritual Candles are beeswax-based for those properties!

Scientific Properties
Neutralizing Pollutants
Beeswax candles produce negative ions when burned, and those ions help to neutralize pollutants in the air. This helps eliminate dust, odors, and mold in the atmosphere, easing allergy and asthma symptoms and improving breathing for anyone nearby.
Because beeswax candles are all-natural and produce no byproducts, they are naturally dripless when used properly and are thus safer to burn. This avoids the risk of burns and other injuries that can result from burning other types of candles improperly.
Beeswax candles are known for their durability, remaining unaffected by moisture and maintaining their shape and quality over time. They burn evenly without emitting fumes or unpleasant odors, providing a longer-lasting and cleaner burning experience compared to other candles.
Natural Light
Beeswax candles emit the brightest, purest light among all candles and closely resemble natural sunlight. This quality is beneficial for minimizing eye strain and reducing headaches when used as a light source.

Metaphysical Properties
Purification and cleansing
Beeswax is a natural, pure substance that has cleansing properties. Burning beeswax candles purify the air, and create a sacred and pure space for spiritual practices.
Beeswax candles have a bright, warm glow that is seen as a symbol of illumination and enlightenment. They represent the Light of the Divine and assists us in connecting with our inner Wisdom.
Beeswax candles are often used in manifestation and intention-setting practices. They amplify our intentions. Burning a beeswax candle assists us in manifesting our visions and goals!
Beeswax is a natural, sustainable substance that is produced by bees. Burning beeswax candles is a beautiful way to connect with Our Mother Nature. Beeswax clean burn and natural origins align with spiritual purity and connection to Nature, making it a favored material for rituals worldwide.
It represents transformation and metamorphosis, akin to the process bees undergo from honey to wax, guiding individuals through personal growth and change
Beeswax candles have protective properties and are used for energetic hygiene.
Burning a beeswax candle clears any space from unpleasant energies and creates a protective barrier.
You can read more about our Ritual candles:
Our candles are available here: Ritual Candles.For more meditation tools, you can check: Our Meditation Tools sections